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Blogue de la Bouche du tigre: Practicing Stillness: Stories #4



I find there is so much more. Practicing alone in my apartment, I have been trying to follow the instructions “…to use this time as an opportunity to practice stillness and to deepen your individual practice wherever you are. Keep practicing…”. I don’t need to go looking for anything. It’s like it was always there. It is difficult to put this experience into words, but I feel there is more clarity and a place of resting in my practice. I let go of the worrying about whether my understanding of the movements is right or wrong.

-Lin, British Columbia


During our COVID-19 ‘vacation’ from  classes, my personal practice has blossomed. Each morning contains a stretchy slo-o-ow 108-move and Lok Hup set. My hip alignment in the forward toryu position has been a bit wonky for years so I focus on correcting that in both sets. After noticing slightly overturned shoulders at times, I’m being more precise about overall alignment in every movement while my spine stretches. I’m also a month into 50 danyus per day for 50 days as of late April. Fruit from the blossoms includes disappeared sciatica-related twinges in the hips. And I seem to be breathing more deeply during daily walks…while maintaining physical distancing. Effortless good posture too. Thank you, Master Moy!

-Gloria, PEI


My cat Pipin has taken to swirling around my legs during the first moves of the set!

I’ve always enjoyed Taoist Tai Chi® practice outside and am grateful that now I have more time. Early morning is especially nice when there is no wind and the birds are singing. This sets me up well for the day!

-Debbie, British Columbia


I am very much appreciating the Zoom chanting sessions. I have in the last few years become more interested in chanting at the Pacific Region Centre. I have been interested in the historical and the more spiritual aspect, the group dynamics, postural implications, the balance and stillness, the deeper respiration and the vibration occurring internally. However, I have never, until these Zoom sessions, thought about ‘Chanting for the World’ so that has added a whole new dimension which I very much appreciate.

-Marilyn, British Columbia

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