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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

Personal Stories
My Journey in Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

My Journey in Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

I love to run, and have participated in many marathons including a trip up Mount Kilimanjaro and a trek along the Inca Trail. I decided to sign up for Taoist Tai Chi® arts to help me become a better runner. A few years back, I started to experience breathing problems while running. No specialists or […]
Powerful Effects of Chanting

Powerful Effects of Chanting

Taoist Tai Chi® practice helps us gain flexibility, not only physically, but also in our thinking. This has been invaluable for deeply appreciating the silver lining in the unexpected circumstances 2020 brought our way. In the before-times, it often seemed that other obligations would limit time available for my personal practice, and goals such as […]
Self-Practice is Self-Care

Self-Practice is Self-Care

Self-practice has been a struggle for me. My husband spent eight weeks in hospital after February 29th, and passed away in early May. During that time my focus was on him, not myself. I have found the chanting and Zoom meetings invaluable to my mental health. Not only are they very educational, they also make […]
Zoom Meeting Life #134

Zoom Meeting Life #134

Malgré la pandémie les participants de l’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok, nous nous rencontrons à quelques reprises en visioconférence durant la semaine. Nous échangeons alors sur différents aspects de la tradition taoïste et de notre entraînement. Je réalise qu’avec les mouvements de l’enchaînement l’ensemble occasionne une belle et riche pratique Tai Chi Taoïste® hebdomadaire. […]
Internal Universe, External Universe

Internal Universe, External Universe

As I continue my regular attendance at our Saturday sessions, I have been encouraged to concentrate on my daily Taoist Tai Chi® practice. There is a feeling inside of a natural order being restored.  As tension eases in my muscles I feel that my body wants to become properly aligned. My focus and energy improve. […]
Taoist Tai Chi® Arts a Blessing at This Time

Taoist Tai Chi® Arts a Blessing at This Time

  I damaged my shoulder a couple of weeks ago and have been in constant pain since, limiting my practise somewhat. This morning, a few minutes into chanting the Northern Dipper sutra, the throbbing stopped and has remained quiet since.   This pandemic time has been a blessing to me, helping me to further develop […]
Chanting helps with deep pain.

Chanting helps with deep pain.

After my brother’s death by suicide 2 years ago, I experienced severe stabbing, catching pain in my heart and lung areas of my chest. I put it down to grief, but my doctor wanted me to have an ECG. It came back indicating some blockage in my heart arteries. I was hospitalized and underwent a […]
Chanting and staying connected.

Chanting and staying connected.

When I lost my job due to COVID 19, I felt quite isolated.  I was living far from home in Thunder Bay Ontario, and hadn’t seen Fung Loy Kok friends in months.  I was so grateful when the Directors began holding regular chanting sessions every weekend, and quickly felt a part of the community again.  The […]
Taoist Tai Chi® Practice and Breast Cancer

Taoist Tai Chi® Practice and Breast Cancer

Pain Relief: Caring for Ourselves, Caring for Others   I have had breast cancer twice, once before I began my Taoist Tai Chi® practice and once after. The first time I had difficulty with tightness, and range of motion. The second time my practice kept me supple and limber, and I felt strong, vital, alive […]
Reflections on Chanting

Reflections on Chanting

Chanting has helped me breathe more deeply and in a more relaxed manner. This has improved circulation, stamina, resulting in a joyful feeling of lightness. Wendy, B.C   Thank you so much for the Saturday morning chanting. It is the highlight of my week! Beyond the physical and mental benefits of the chanting, I appreciate […]
Mastectomy and Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

Mastectomy and Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

Pain Relief: Caring for Ourselves, Caring for Others Recovering from a mastectomy, Taoist Tai Chi® arts helped me move! They reduced my pain, calmed my stress, opened my chest which helped with the scar tissue, and built my strength to deal with the challenge. This is not just about your cancer, it is about your […]
Taoist Tai Chi® Arts: A Precious Gift

Taoist Tai Chi® Arts: A Precious Gift

I leave home, my husband driving me to the International Centre in Orangeville, for my ongoing stay four to five days per week. I arrive at the Centre, unpack, and settle in, already feeling a sense of peace and stillness envelop me. I help by opening some of the temples and this has a way […]
Fondation / Foundation

Fondation / Foundation

La vie pendant le confinement est parfois difficile. Dans les moments de doute la pratique du Tai Chi TaoïsteMD  est réconfortante pour moi, une fondation sur laquelle je peux me soutenir. Life during Covid is sometimes difficult. In moments of doubt Taoist Tai Chi® practice  is comforting to me, a foundation on which I can stand. Christine, […]
Unie / United

Unie / United

Lorsque je pratique les arts Tai Chi TaoïsteMD seule dans ma cour, je pense à tous les autres participants qui font la même chose au même instant dans 26 pays sur la planète. Je me sens alors unie, je ne suis plus seule. When I practice Taoist Tai Chi® arts alone in my yard, I think […]
Happiness in the Just Doing

Happiness in the Just Doing

    I find myself settling into a nice quiet routine.  I have always brought so much effort, energy, intention, whatever into my Taoist Arts® practice — and it wasn’t fulfilling anymore.   This period of isolation has taken me through so many encounters with my inner Self, and I find myself just letting go of […]
Caring for ourselves and others

Caring for ourselves and others

To the Senior Leadership of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism, thank you for all that you are doing to assist with our individual journeys to a deeper level of Taoist Tai Chi® practice.   In the last several months I have certainly found a deepening of my own practice and a clearer understanding that […]
Feeling the Daily Practice

Feeling the Daily Practice

  My daily practice of Taoist Tai Chi® arts started in earnest some years ago with a danyu challenge. I added two sets of 108 movements soon after classes were suspended.  I always tracked the numbers of danyus and sets on my calendar. I know the practice benefits me in so many ways including helping […]
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