The Tiger's Mouth Blog
Individual Practice
Master Moy always asked: “How do you feel?”. I think the last four years have taught me to answer his question in a more thoughtful, sensitive way.
The need for nothing, a clear mind, a simple movement. Nothing else.
Applying His Teachings as I Age
Aging is giving me perspective on why we are encouraged to practice the Taoist Tai Chi® arts daily.
My Self Practice
I came to FLK and Taoist Tai Chi® arts in June 1991, so just 30 years ago. The time has gone so fast; I feel like I am still a beginner, and I am still a beginner. During the pandemic I was encouraged to practice on my own. Little by little I learned to stop […]
When I started Taoist Tai Chi® practice, there were many things that I had a hard time doing physically without pain; getting dressed, putting my socks on, sitting, getting up, taking long walks … These seemingly small movements affected the quality of my life and even my attitude towards life. I never thought Taoist […]
Self Practice
I have gained a deeper understanding of the organization and Master Moy’s teachings after attending the virtual sessions for the last two years. A simple message has guided us: self practice. Although the message is simple, to carry it out requires diligent practice. When I first started to practice on my own, it was hard […]
À pratiquer les multiples arts internes Tai Chi TaoïsteMD, j’ai appris qu’il me fallait être patiente, que les choses arrivent quand c’est le temps. Ça ne sert à rien de les forcer. Les frustrations et les inquiétudes surviennent justement quand je veux trop, quand je veux que ça aille vite et à ma manière. Il […]
Breaking Through
By practicing Mr. Moy’s teachings of constancy and patience, something in me that has been stuck is finally beginning to move. When I was young in a colder climate, I loved to watch the water flowing under ice in the ditches in spring, just before the full melt. That’s the feeling that has come as […]
L’eau / The stream
Avec le temps, jour après jour, l’eau creuse son lit. Avec le temps, jour après jour, la pratique quotidienne des arts Tai Chi Taoïste® polit chaque pierre de mon chemin. Over time, day after day, the stream carves out its path. Over time, day after day, Taoist Tai Chi® practice polishes each stone on my path. ~Denis
Worry and Anxiety Hurt
Worry and anxiety hurt. Practicing Taoist Tai Chi®️ arts while in nature helps me let go, regain perspective, and feel joyful. ~Theresa
Joie | Joy
Bien-être et tranquillité avec les arts Tai Chi TaoïsteMD | Well-being and tranquility with Taoist Tai Chi® arts.
Trust Letting Go – Avoir confiance… et lâcher prise
During my individual practice, I have been learning to let go – let go of what? At first it was to let go of weight, to let myself settle, to let myself drop until it was finished. I realized, as the weeks and months went by, that letting go is so much more. It is […]
Practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts helps me treat everyone and everything in my life with respect, thoughtfulness and gratitude. Whenever I’m having a difficult time, I turn to my Taoist Tai Chi® practice. Almost immediately I start to feel reverence again towards the people around me, my home, my garden, my cooking. ~Galina
World Stroke Day
14 years ago I had 9 strokes. I couldn’t stand, walk, talk, see or eat. I had to start all over again. My Taoist Tai Chi® practice has helped me to build balance and strength, to lose fear and to do all the functions of life. It has given me my life back!~ Sasha
Chemine Ensemble/Together Apart
Quand je pratique les arts Tai Chi TaoïsteMD seule à la maison, je me sens soutenue et connectée au groupe. Ça n’a pas changé même après près d’un an et demi de confinement en raison de la pandémie. Je ne suis pas seule parce que je sais que nous sommes des milliers à faire la […]
The Way Within
How slowly my garden grows,seemingly unnoticeable, sometimes I am impatient,but I wait and observe, there is change,colour blooming to the surface, texture unfolding, fragrance releasing,it can’t be hurried,it is the like the Taoist Tai Chi®way. ~Lin
Dans ma pratique Tai Chi Taoïste®, je sens que dans le mouvement, le centre reste calme. Solide, bien ancré. Comme un arbre aux racines profondes qui accueille le vent en ami. In my Taoist Tai Chi® practice, I feel that my center remains calm, solid, well anchored. Like a tree with deep roots that welcomes […]
Helps with stress, better sleep.
I had high stress, high anxiety, lots of pain, and very poor sleep. I was a mess and my lifestyle was not healthy. Almost by chance I tried out a Taoist Tai Chi®arts class. I noticed very soon after that my anxiety was more manageable and my pain started to go away so I […]
Forever Young/Éternellement jeune
J’ai 89 ans. Pour moi, les arts Tai Chi Taoïste® sont une méditation en mouvement qui m’apportent tout ce dont j’ai besoin pour me sentir bien. Je peux faire ça pour moi! Quand je pratique l’ouverture de la cage thoracique et l’étirement de la colonne vertébrale, j’aime ressentir ce qui se passe à l’intérieur de […]
Our Personal Practice
Feet planted. Body grounded. A starting point. The stuff we carry around mentally, spiritually, physically. We become our own teachers. Trust, responsibility, letting go. Learning on a different level. Just be in the practice. Step back from worry about what comes next. Be comfortable, listen to our own bodies.Move, trust, feel it deep inside. Using our practice.Helps us support others.Mentally, spiritually and […]
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