Letting Go of Worry, Anxiety and Stress

Taoist Tai Chi® practice is a powerful way to let go of worry and anxiety.
Everyone experiences stress, whether it is about work, relationships or our health. We are also constantly bombarded with disturbing news about the state of the world. How can we find relief from all this anxiety and struggle?
Taoism teaches that worry is a type of holding on, a “hooking of the heart.” Through Taoist Tai Chi® practice, as we discover how to let go, our hearts relax and gradually become lighter and softer.
We learn to let go physically and emotionally, bringing us calm relaxation, a deep feeling of well-being, openness and clarity. This helps us take care of the challenges of life while keeping balanced, healthy and joyful.
“In studying, each day you gain something. In following Tao, each day you lose something … You take possession of the world by never interfering. No matter how much you interfere, you will never possess the world.”
Related Reading
Life Changing Stories
Hear stories of participants letting go of worry, anxiety, and stress through Taoist Tai Chi® practice.
Stories from the Blog
Ma pratique est ma médication | My Practice is my Medication
World Mental Health Week
Joie | Joy
What are participants with worry, anxiety or stress saying about Taoist Tai Chi® practice?
“It is amazing how Taoist Tai Chi® practice has become so much a part of my daily practice of LIFE. Letting go of worry, opening my heart, calming my mind, nurturing my body. I am grateful for, and I feel blessed to be awakened to, the Taoist Tai Chi® arts.”
– Cathy, Ontario
“I am now identifying and dealing with the physical and mental effects of worry. This is tough even on a good day, but I’m getting better through my Taoist Tai Chi® practice.”
– Rob, Alberta
“Worry and anxiety hurt. Practicing Taoist Tai Chi®️ arts helps me let go, regain perspective, and feel joyful.”
– Theresa, British Columbia
Cultivate health and well-being with Taoist Tai Chi® arts

The whole body approach of Taoist Tai Chi® arts has a profound effect on all aspects of our health and well being. Mind, body and spirit are deeply nourished and transformed.
Taoist Tai Chi® practice involves a full range of motion with deep stretching and continuous turning of the spine. It exercises the whole physiology including muscular, skeletal and circulatory systems, as well as tendons, joints, connective tissue and organs, increasing strength, flexibility and resilience, whatever our condition. It is a form of moving meditation that has a penetrating and relaxing effect on the nervous system and the brain, reducing anxiety, lightening the spirit, calming and clearing the mind.
Experience Taoist Tai Chi® practice at a location near you.