The Tiger's Mouth Blog
Personal Stories
La Clé / The Key
Être pris dans un bouchon de circulation, être témoin d’une conversation animée, attendre longtemps dans une file sont des exemples de situations qui m’ont longtemps exaspéré. Maintenant je profite plutôt de ces opportunités pour cultiver ma compassion, ma patience, et ma sensibilité. J’apprends à rester attentif à mes réactions et à celles des autres. J’apprécie […]
Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism™ means family to me. Meeting with such a large family every week for the last two years has kept me at ease on these difficult days. This strong bond has a big impact on my feeling of well-being. – Kadriye
Improving Confidence
Practice of Master Moy’s teachings helps me in so many ways. One way is that I have become more confident in myself. My confidence has increased a great deal over the past 2 years. By listening to the stories and teachings from the directors, I have come to realize that ego can work in both […]
La pratique des arts Tai Chi Taoïste® m’aide à dissoudre les barrages mentaux et émotifs que j’ai construits en moi-même au fil des ans. Ils s’effacent peu à peu. Les mouvements de fondation assouplissent mon corps et mon état d’esprit. Il y a cinq ans, quand j’ai commencé l’entraînement, je pensais être une personne timide. Aujourd’hui, […]
Problem Solving
Sometimes when working on a problem I start to go in circles. If I take time out to do my Taoist Tai Chi® practice, my mind clears, my focus is sharper and I discover solutions for the problem. ~Marlene
Something for Everyone
We are all on our own unique path of transformation. Mr. Moy’s vision of helping practitioners return to a healthier and more harmonious way of living resonates deeply within me. I love that Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism promotes the principle of all cultures and religions moving together in harmony. As an Indigenous Catholic […]
Balance and Stability
I enjoy walking nearby trails during the warmer months, but I’ve always found it difficult and challenging to walk on colder and snowy days because of my health issues; for that reason I stopped going for walks when winter comes. Last winter we had heavy snow and the scenery – even looking from the window […]
Seeing Clearly
One day while cleaning my glasses I thought how wonderful that they help me to see peoples faces, trees, branches, and all the physical world around me. In that same moment I recognized that Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism has helped me to see life more clearly. Through the sharing of Master Moy’s teachings […]
Worry and Anxiety Hurt
Worry and anxiety hurt. Practicing Taoist Tai Chi®️ arts while in nature helps me let go, regain perspective, and feel joyful. ~Theresa
Bol de soupe / Bowl of soup
J’associe la pratique des arts Tai Chi Taoïste® à manger un bol de soupe. Je sens que cela nourrit littéralement mon corps. J’ai aussi parfois l’impression que c’est comme partager un bon repas avec des amis. Je me sens rempli et détendu. I think of Taoist Tai Chi® practice like eating a bowl of soup. […]
Caché / Hiding
Sortir de sa cachette. Il y a des moments où, moi aussi, je me cache derrière la brume. Les enseignements Tai Chi Taoïste®me donnent les outils nécessaires pour émerger et resplendir de nouveau. Coming out of hiding. There are times when, I too, hide behind the mist. The teachings of the Taoist Tai Chi®arts give […]
Saturday Virtual Practice
The Saturday Taoist Tai Chi® arts virtual sessions have been instrumental in deepening my understanding of the organization, his teachings, and my own personal practice. Through these sessions and my practice I have come to realize my training not only contributes to my physical well-being, but is relevant to everything in my daily life, allowing […]
Personal Reflections
During the pandemic, many participants have been reflecting on their practice and how it has helped them find balance, calm and strength. Explore what they have written here.
Une marche à la fois / One step at a time
Après une période de convalescence, j’ai été en mesure de recommencer à prendre des marches. Au bas de cet escalier, j’ai hésité… Mon conjoint m’a alors encouragée en me disant que je n’avais qu’à monter une marche à la fois. Arrivée en haut, j’ai fait le lien avec ma pratique des arts Tai Chi Taoïste®. […]
Finding Stillness in a time of chaos/ Trouver la tranquilité en plein cahos
My personal practice has become about letting go: letting go of counting how many donyus I do; letting go of the habit of doing jongs only while waiting for the toast to pop or the kettle to boil; letting go of unrealistic goals. I now have an understanding of the stillness that comes from just doing […]
Laisser tomber ses résistances / Letting go of resistance
Avant la pandémie, ma pratique personnelle consistait à intégrer les instructions et les corrections reçues lors des classes précédentes et à observer la nouvelle sensation. Maintenant, avec les sages conseils de nos directeurs de laisser aller, de se faire confiance, d’être constante, j’investigue d’abord mes sensations sans consigne précise. Je suis plus observatrice qu’actrice. Parfois […]
A path of balance
Eighteen years ago I began Taoist Tai Chi® practice with the goal of improving my physical well being. Tai chi was recommended to me as an exercise I could attempt even though I was extremely ill with a progressive liver disease and the many associated symptoms caused by a failing liver. I had no idea […]
Garder le cap / Stay on track
Tout comme l’eau qui trace son chemin, j’avance doucement, pas à pas en allant toujours de l’avant et en progressant avec les arts Tai Chi Taoïste® qui me montrent à garder le cap face aux obstacles. Just like water running its course, I move slowly, step by step, always going forward, progressing through my practice […]
A New Body
I am so thankful to Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism™ every day. I had both of my hips replaced 10+ years ago and last summer I was up on the cottage roof laying down new shingles. What I have discovered over the years is that the surgeries removed the damaged and painful surfaces, but […]
Keeping Balance at 93
I am 93 years old. Twelve years ago, I was having a difficult time dealing with the passing of my wife. My daughter suggested I try tai chi. She thought the exercise, and getting out and meeting new people, would help me deal with the grief. I found the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism […]
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