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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

Health Benefits
Improved Functionality

Improved Functionality   Taoist Tai Chi®️ practice has improved the  functionality of my life immensely – mental clarity,  organizational abilities, mental memory and problem solving skills.  Also, I am more cheerful and have [...]
Help Depression and Anxiety

Help Depression and Anxiety

Research and anecdotal evidence show that Taoist Tai Chi® practice helps people with both depression and anxiety. Their energy increases, mood improves, and anxiety decreases. Read more about how the Taoist Tai [...]
Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Regular Practice

Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Regular Practice

Losing brain function is not just about disease and decline, it’s about a person. Worldwide, at least 44 million people are living with some form of dementia. Alzheimer’s brings loss of memory, and other aspects of cognitive function that are profoundly life changing. Fortunately, research shows that being physically active can reduce the risk, or […]
Cultivating Healthy Habits

Cultivating Healthy Habits

Living with agoraphobia and social anxiety as I do, the regular virtual meetings along with my daily Taoist Tai Chi® practice have become an extremely vital part of managing my mental health and  staying positive and balanced. I find great strength and resilience in connecting with Fung Loy Kok Institute of TaoismTM  through teachings, encouragement […]
Osteoporosis and Taoist Tai Chi® practice

Osteoporosis and Taoist Tai Chi® practice

  I have osteoporosis. I was frightened even to walk and couldn’t live a normal life. Taoist Tai Chi® arts have returned my  sense of self and given me power over my life. This practice helps me balance and stretch, creating a place for the bones to go. Without this practice I would be completely […]
Balance, Identifying Worry, and Listening

Balance, Identifying Worry, and Listening

When I joined the Saturday chanting sessions last May, I was looking to remain connected with   Taoist Tai Chi® arts and our participants. But, with the chanting and discussions that followed, I realized there was so much more. The continued focus on self-practice was a concept I had never considered. I preferred to practice with […]
A New Avenue of Discovery

A New Avenue of Discovery

When classes were suspended in March, little did I know I would be embracing another avenue to develop in my Taoist Tai Chi® practice. I have practiced Taoist Tai Chi® arts for over twenty years, but only chanted occasionally. I always felt awkward and uncomfortable. The invitation to join the first Saturday morning Zoom meeting […]
Getting Stronger

Getting Stronger

I have had a deep and chronic illness for a long time. I remember over the years how my practice helped me to respond to some of the ups and downs of my illness with greater equanimity. And when it didn’t, how my instructors corrected me in my Taoist Tai Chi® practice in a way […]
Lung Cancer and Taoist Tai Chi® Practice

Lung Cancer and Taoist Tai Chi® Practice

  I had surgery because of lung cancer. The muscles, ribs and nerves were all involved and the deep #pain I experienced was indescribable. I was on the highest dose of narcotics and was considering assisted suicide. I began Taoist Tai Chi® arts and, almost unbelievably, the pain went away. I got rid of all […]


I have been steadily working on posture and voice. I do the chanting on my knees, giving me a straighter spine. Today, doing the long chant, I finally felt more power from the lower dantien and a stronger voice. But the surprise bonus from the chanting was during the standing jongs that I practiced afterward: […]
My Journey in Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

My Journey in Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

I love to run, and have participated in many marathons including a trip up Mount Kilimanjaro and a trek along the Inca Trail. I decided to sign up for Taoist Tai Chi® arts to help me become a better runner. A few years back, I started to experience breathing problems while running. No specialists or […]
Powerful Effects of Chanting

Powerful Effects of Chanting

Taoist Tai Chi® practice helps us gain flexibility, not only physically, but also in our thinking. This has been invaluable for deeply appreciating the silver lining in the unexpected circumstances 2020 brought our way. In the before-times, it often seemed that other obligations would limit time available for my personal practice, and goals such as […]
Self-Practice is Self-Care

Self-Practice is Self-Care

Self-practice has been a struggle for me. My husband spent eight weeks in hospital after February 29th, and passed away in early May. During that time my focus was on him, not myself. I have found the chanting and Zoom meetings invaluable to my mental health. Not only are they very educational, they also make […]
Zoom Meeting Life #134

Zoom Meeting Life #134

Malgré la pandémie les participants de l’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok, nous nous rencontrons à quelques reprises en visioconférence durant la semaine. Nous échangeons alors sur différents aspects de la tradition taoïste et de notre entraînement. Je réalise qu’avec les mouvements de l’enchaînement l’ensemble occasionne une belle et riche pratique Tai Chi Taoïste® hebdomadaire. […]
Taoist Tai Chi® Arts a Blessing at This Time

Taoist Tai Chi® Arts a Blessing at This Time

  I damaged my shoulder a couple of weeks ago and have been in constant pain since, limiting my practise somewhat. This morning, a few minutes into chanting the Northern Dipper sutra, the throbbing stopped and has remained quiet since.   This pandemic time has been a blessing to me, helping me to further develop […]
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