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Blogue de la Bouche du tigre: CIT Week 2019: Putting our training into action for Awareness Day and the Mother’s Day Banquet

Day 6 of our Taoist Tai Chi®️ arts training involved putting everything we had learned in the previous five days into action.

We came together as a family to celebrate Awareness Day and Mother’s Day, enjoying delicious food, delightful music, and greetings from around the world.

The planned timing for the day changed when we needed to set up early. Our training served us well and the process felt relaxed as everyone responded to the needs of a changing situation. We let go of the form of the day and everything got done: the morning program, setting up for the Banquet, hosting of friends and family, the Banquet itself, and then cleaning up afterwards in preparation for the next program.

We never really say goodbye at the end of CIT Week, we simply look forward to training together again at one of our many locations. Until we meet again.

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