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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

Mid-Autumn Festival / Le Festival de la Mi-Automne

Mid-Autumn Festival / Le Festival de la Mi-Automne

Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism participants from around the world chant in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The autumn moon is a time when families and friends come together to appreciate what we received over the past year. Together we wish everyone good health and longevity.  Partout dans le monde, les participants de l’Institut […]
All Souls Festival Reflection

All Souls Festival Reflection

During the All Souls Festival I saw respect and caring for the souls who have passed over and the love and caring that was given through the acts of chanting and the many pledges.  Seeing the altars carefully prepared was beautifully sacred and inspired me to set up my own altar in my home.  This […]
Approfondir le sens du Festival de toutes les âmes

Approfondir le sens du Festival de toutes les âmes

  [English follows] Au cours de mes nombreuses années de pratique du les arts Tai Chi Taoïste®, je n’avais pas développé d’intérêt pour ce festival. N’ayant pas de croyances religieuses, je ne voyais pas de sens pour moi de participer au festival ou de demander une plaque commémorative temporaire.  J’ai été présente à Orangeville à  […]
All Souls Festival – Reflections

All Souls Festival – Reflections

  Many participants have reflected on their experiences during the recent All Souls Festival celebrations. Below are some of the comments received on Facebook.   I feel the All Souls Festival is a time of special connection for us with our ancestors and ALL souls. And feeling it so strongly now, that the connection carries […]
All Souls Festival Conclusion

All Souls Festival Conclusion

Throughout the vast worldMay there be no anxiety and no hindrance.The cycles of death and life go on;What else could there be?If you go when you must go,How could you not be at ease?Turn your mind to the TaoAnd deliverance will quickly come! Chant encouraging souls of the departed to let go of attachments and […]
Caring at the Heart

Caring at the Heart

Caring is at the heart of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. It was deeply felt on day one of All Souls Festival when a thousand people from 26 countries brought their intention together chanting for the world and for those who have passed away.    L’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok a à cœur […]
Honouring and Aiding

Honouring and Aiding

There is a Chinese saying “When the dead are at peace, then the living shall prosper.” All Souls Festival gives the living an opportunity to express filial piety, harmony and dedication.  In honouring and aiding the dead during All Souls Festival, we reduce suffering and bring blessings to the worlds of the living and the […]
Goon Yam Precious Announcements

Goon Yam Precious Announcements

Goon Yam, Deity of Compassion, cares for all. “She seeks out and responds to the cries of the worldMoving her spirit and revealing her compassionHer enlightened virtue towers over allAnd her power is deep beyond measureThe netherworld awakens to receive the gift of deliveranceAll beings come to health and receive the gift of life” From […]
Wisdom of the Sutras

Wisdom of the Sutras

All Souls Festival gives souls a chance to listen to the wisdom of the sutras chanted during the days of the festival and become free by resolving any attachments, entanglements, or conflicts they had during their lifetimes. Le Festival de toutes les âmes donne aux défunts l’occasion d’écouter la sagesse des soutras et de se libérer […]
Troubled Souls

Troubled Souls

Chanting during All Souls Festival brings peace to troubled souls who have died tragically. Our special offerings for these souls help them find release from their suffering. Les chants que nous psalmodions durant le Festival de toutes les âmes apaisent les âmes troublées de ceux morts dans des circonstances tragiques. Nos offrandes les aident à […]


We all have a relationship with our ancestors. All Souls Festival provides a way to care for and maintain harmony with them. This harmony then permeates our lives and our communities.  The Columbarium, the cemetery and the Memorial Hall at the Fung Loy Kok International Centre are each dedicated to caring for the souls of […]
Preparing for All Souls Festival

Preparing for All Souls Festival

As we prepare for All Souls Festival we compose ourselvesWe approach the tasks with respectful intentionCarefully, and with reverence we place items on the altarFlowers, fruit, Jai, tea, wineWe light incenseIt is muted, quiet. There is a palpable sense of connection.We chantAt closing it is joyful Can I approach my life with the same respectful […]
Beautiful Bags

Beautiful Bags

All Souls Festival gives the living an opportunity to express filial piety, harmony and dedication by honouring ancestors, relatives and friends who have passed away.  Beautiful paper bags decorated with symbols of longevity, balance and comfort in the afterlife hold paper offerings to be burnt.   Le Festival de toutes les âmes donne aux vivants l’occasion […]


 At this time of year the temples bustle with activity. Volunteers at D’Arcy Street and the Fung Loy Kok International Centre prepare for the All Souls Festival. They wash fruit, prepare jai vegetarian food as offerings and fill bags with paper offerings.     À cette époque de l’année, les temples bourdonnent d’activité. Les bénévoles […]
Care Offerings

Care Offerings

In traditional Taoist belief, souls of the dead continue to need care from those in the world of the living. Offerings to them include items for daily use such as food, shelter, clothing and money. Selon les croyances traditionnelles taoïstes, l’âme du défunt continue d’avoir besoin des soins du monde des vivants. Les offrandes qui […]
Wong Ling Goon Festival

Wong Ling Goon Festival

As a powerful deity, Wong Ling Goon used the teachings to transform himself so that his strength would protect the path of Taoism. Today Fung Loy Kok participants from around the world chanted to celebrate Wong Ling Goon, the Guardian of the Tao.  Wong Ling Goon, une puissante déité, a appliqué les enseignements pour se […]
Paper Offerings

Paper Offerings

Buddhist and Taoist temples around the world observe All Souls Festival during the first half of the 7th lunar month when the gates of the realm of the dead are opened and the souls of the deceased can receive offerings.  Paper offerings help the souls.            Dans les temples bouddhistes et […]
Paper Money

Paper Money

All Souls Festival is one of the most important times of year in the Taoist calendar. It provides an opportunity for the living to honour those who have passed away. Volunteers prepare paper offerings for the souls of the departed in the Realm of Yin.   Dans le calendrier taoïste, le Festival de toutes les […]
Goon Yam Festival

Goon Yam Festival

Today Fung Loy Kok participants from around the world chanted to celebrate and be inspired by Goon Yam (Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. Through chanting together our intention is to bring greater peace and harmony to the world.   Aujourd’hui, des participants du Fung Loy Kok de partout dans le monde ont chanté pour célébrer Goon […]
Self Practice

Self Practice

I have gained a deeper understanding of the organization and Master Moy’s teachings after attending the virtual sessions for the last two years. A simple message has guided us: self practice. Although the message is simple, to carry it out requires diligent practice. When I first started to practice on my own, it was hard […]
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