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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

The Journey

The Journey

In the early fall I noticed a delicate pink lily was peeking out of a potentilla bush. I realized that the lily had embarked on a difficult journey to reach the light,  persevering through dense foliage. With commitment and time, it succeeded.  That lily prompted me to reflect on my own journey on the path […]
La Clé / The Key

La Clé / The Key

Être pris dans un bouchon de circulation, être témoin d’une conversation animée, attendre longtemps dans une file sont des exemples de situations qui m’ont longtemps exaspéré. Maintenant je profite plutôt de ces opportunités pour cultiver ma compassion, ma patience, et ma sensibilité. J’apprends à rester attentif à mes réactions et à celles des autres. J’apprécie […]


Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism™ means family to me. Meeting with such a large family every week for the last two years has kept me at ease on these difficult days. This strong bond has a big impact on my feeling of well-being. – Kadriye
Improving Confidence

Improving Confidence

Practice of Master Moy’s teachings helps me in so many ways. One way is that I have become more confident in myself. My confidence has increased a great deal over the past 2 years. By listening to the stories and teachings from the directors, I have come to realize that ego can work in both […]
Southern Dipper Festival

Southern Dipper Festival

Today we celebrate the Southern Dipper Festival. The Southern Dipper, together with the Northern Dipper, grants longevity. Chanting together expresses our intention to bring health and longevity to all the people of the world.  The Southern Dipper is associated with the God of Longevity, pictured here at our International Centre in Canada.  Aujourd’hui, nous célébrons […]


La pratique des arts Tai Chi Taoïste® m’aide à dissoudre les barrages mentaux et émotifs que j’ai construits en moi-même au fil des ans. Ils s’effacent peu à peu. Les mouvements de fondation assouplissent mon corps et mon état d’esprit. Il y a cinq ans, quand j’ai commencé l’entraînement, je pensais être une personne timide. Aujourd’hui, […]


À pratiquer les multiples arts internes Tai Chi TaoïsteMD, j’ai appris qu’il me fallait être patiente, que les choses arrivent quand c’est le temps. Ça ne sert à rien de les forcer. Les frustrations et les inquiétudes surviennent justement quand je veux trop, quand je veux que ça aille vite et à ma manière. Il […]
Immortal Lü Festival

Immortal Lü Festival

Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism is celebrating the Festival of Immortal Lü with people from around the world chanting together. Immortal Lü represents the cultivation of Taoist wisdom and the integration of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.    L’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok rassemble des personnes de partout dans le monde pour chanter ensemble […]
Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mothers Day Bonne fête des mères母親節快樂 In all that we do, we cherish our parentsChérir nos parents est au coeur de la vie百行孝為先   See and like the post on Facebook
Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Sometimes when working on a problem I start to go in circles. If I take time out to do my Taoist Tai Chi® practice, my mind clears, my focus is sharper and I discover solutions for the problem. ~Marlene
Tin Hau Festival

Tin Hau Festival

Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism is celebrating the Festival of Tin Hau (Empress of Heaven) on April 23 with chanting for the world. Tin Hau represents devotion, sincerity, care and protection and is known for rescuing people in distress, especially those at sea. She is particularly venerated in the coastal areas of China and […]
Breaking Through

Breaking Through

By practicing Mr. Moy’s teachings of constancy and patience, something in me that has been stuck is finally beginning to move. When I was young in a colder climate, I loved to watch the water flowing under ice in the ditches in spring, just before the full melt. That’s the feeling that has come as […]
Ching Ming Festival

Ching Ming Festival

The Ching Ming Festival provides an opportunity to honour our family members who came before us. By paying respect to our ancestors, we bring peace and prosperity to future generations. Le Festival Ching Ming est pour la famille une occasion d’honorer ceux qui sont passés avant nous. En rendant hommage à nos ancêtres, nous apportons […]
Something for Everyone

Something for Everyone

We are all on our own unique path of transformation. Mr. Moy’s vision of helping practitioners return to a healthier and more harmonious way of living resonates deeply within me. I love that Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism promotes the principle of all cultures and religions moving together in harmony.  As an Indigenous Catholic […]
Goon Yam Festival – Chanting for the World

Goon Yam Festival – Chanting for the World

Today one thousand practitioners from many cultures and walks of life chanted virtually to honour and be inspired by Goon Yam (Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. In celebrating the festival, our intention is to cultivate peace and relieve suffering throughout the world.    Aujourd’hui, mille pratiquants issus de cultures et d’horizons divers, ont chanté en ligne […]
Lord Lao Festival

Lord Lao Festival

Today people of all ages from around the world gathered virtually to celebrate the Festival of Lord Lao (Laozi, Lao-Tzu). In coming together to chant for the world and give thanks for the teachings of Taoism, we all benefited from the opportunity it offers to transform ourselves to become better people. Aujourd’hui, des gens de […]
Balance and Stability

Balance and Stability

I enjoy walking nearby trails during the warmer months, but I’ve always found it difficult and challenging to walk on colder and snowy days because of my health issues; for that reason I stopped going for walks when winter comes. Last winter we had heavy snow and the scenery – even looking from the window […]
Seeing Clearly

Seeing Clearly

One day while cleaning my glasses I thought how wonderful that they help me to see peoples faces, trees, branches, and all the physical world around me. In that same moment I recognized that Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism has helped me to see life more clearly. Through the sharing of Master Moy’s teachings […]
Heart and Stroke Month – Faster and Further

Heart and Stroke Month – Faster and Further

I had a 97% blocked aortic valve. Taoist Tai Chi® arts helped me prepare for the heart surgery so I would have the best outcome. After the surgery I walked further, quicker and was out of the hospital faster than many people much younger than me! Through the physical benefits of Taoist Tai ChiⓇ practice […]
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