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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

Our Precious Arts

Our Precious Arts

For several months I have joined the Saturday Chanting sessions for the World, Festival Chanting on other days and taken part in a weekly, local, Chanting practise session. Like my individual Taoist Tai Chi® arts practise, Chanting has become a daily endeavour, one I cannot imagine not being part of my being. I find as […]
Chanting helps with deep pain.

Chanting helps with deep pain.

After my brother’s death by suicide 2 years ago, I experienced severe stabbing, catching pain in my heart and lung areas of my chest. I put it down to grief, but my doctor wanted me to have an ECG. It came back indicating some blockage in my heart arteries. I was hospitalized and underwent a […]
Classes Suspended Across Canada

Classes Suspended Across Canada

We have all observed the rapidly changing situation with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the situation, the Fung Loy Kok Board of Directors have suspended all classes across Canada starting Monday, March 16 and extending until the end of April. This includes retreats, programs, classes, intensives, special events, open houses, and all […]
Beginning Weekend in Victoria, June 1 – 2, 2019

Beginning Weekend in Victoria, June 1 – 2, 2019

[rl_gallery id="13698"] Participants and volunteer instructors gathered on Saturday June 1st and Sunday June 2nd, 2019 for a Beginning Weekend in Taoist Tai Chi® arts. These two-day programs introduce students to our 108 move set. All were encouraged to do their best to find balance and just follow along by watching the many instructors, wearing […]
CIT Week 2019: Putting our training into action for Awareness Day and the Mother’s Day Banquet

CIT Week 2019: Putting our training into action for Awareness Day and the Mother’s Day Banquet

Day 6 of our Taoist Tai Chi®️ arts training involved putting everything we had learned in the previous five days into action. We came together as a family to celebrate Awareness Day and Mother’s Day, enjoying delicious food, delightful music, and greetings from around the world. The planned timing for the day changed when we […]
CIT Week 2019: Reflections

CIT Week 2019: Reflections

Throughout day 5 of Continuing Instructor Training week, many participants shared their personal experience of the program and how deeply they had been affected by the focus on the feeling of our Taoist Tai Chi® arts, rather than the form. We practiced using our spine as we turned from move to move in Fair Lady […]
CIT Week 2019: So much more to our <b><i>Taoist Tai Chi®</i></b> arts…

CIT Week 2019: So much more to our Taoist Tai Chi® arts…

On Day 2 of Continuing Instructor Training Week 2019, participants began to find more focus and depth, getting a sense that there is so much more to discover beneath the surface. The initial perception of the physical form gives way to the realization that every aspect of the Society is an opportunity for training.    […]
Celebrating Chinese New Year in Vancouver

Celebrating Chinese New Year in Vancouver

On February 10, 2019, participants from the Vancouver and Chilliwack branches celebrated the Year of the Boar by brush kneeing and waving hands like clouds together in the Vancouver Chinatown Spring Festival Parade. The cold did not dampen anyone’s enthusiasm as our Taoist Tai Chi® practice kept us – and the crowd of thousands – […]
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