The Tiger's Mouth Blog
International Seniors Day
Ageing with vitality!
Seniors say #taoisttaichi improves their health & enriches their lives. They gain strength, flexibility, & better balance, have more confidence & stamina & are more resilient physically & emotionally. Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism and its affiliates in 26 countries have hosted an International Seniors Day for many years, recognizing the important role of […]
Celebrating International Seniors’ Day in Oakville
On Friday, November 8, 2019, the Oakville Branch celebrated International Seniors’ Day by inviting seniors from the community to a demonstration of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts followed by lunch. One of the guests was inspired by the demonstration to register for a beginning class. Fourteen participants and four guests enjoyed a superb pot luck […]
Fall Prevention and the Taoist Tai Chi® Arts
The Fall Prevention Open Houses presented in the Barrie and Orillia branches on November 8th and November 12th were both well attended. These open houses were held in celebration of International Seniors’ Day, and in affiliation with Fall Prevention Week. During the demonstration of the Tai Chi Set by ambulatory and seated participants, information was […]
Sunny Seniors Day in Central Vancouver Island
The Pacific Region’s Central Vancouver Island Branch held a Seniors Day on scenic Gabriola Island with 55 participants enjoying a day of Taoist Tai Chi®️ arts, training, and chanting plus beach time, and of course a lovely summer picnic!
Celebrating the Benefits of Taoist Tai Chi® practice for Seniors
Seniors in Vancouver recently hosted a Senior’s Day and Mother’s Day luncheon at the Pacific Region Centre. Over 100 seniors and pre-seniors from locations around Vancouver, Surrey, Chilliwack, and as far away as Calgary, gathered to practice and share stories of how Taoist Tai Chi®️ arts have improved their lives. We enjoyed an elegant Mother’s […]
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