Trust in his Teachings
Trust in his teachings as self practice have brought harmony, patience, balance, health and care not only for me, but, by extension, to my family, my community, my country and the world. How profound!
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The question – During the pandemic, how has self practice changed you? – was an opportunity for reflection. As I sat down – pen to paper – I found I struggled finding concise language to describe the countless changes. On the surface the question was straightforward and direct, but as I attempted to find words describing experiences, discoveries and changes self practice brought I became aware I was over thinking.
What I do know is my regular self practice has changed me. Before the pandemic I was actively and enthusiastically involved in our organization. The pandemic meant gathering in person was discontinued, but group training and practice continued by zoom. This meant personal practice was to be self directed.
Over the past year and a half my self practice has deepened my awareness and understanding of internal sensations. Whether I am chanting, meditating, practicing the movements, serving on council, committees and, or other daily activities, I know they are all self practices which strengthen me as an individual. These feelings that arise, release worries and the stresses that accompanies them, are replaced by a letting go of physical and mental suffering, and are replaced by calm, effortless feelings of wellbeing.
Trust in his teachings as self practice have brought harmony, patience, balance, health and care not only for me, but, by extension, to my family, my community, my country and the world. How profound!
Thank you to the board for asking us to reflect on how self practice has changed us during the pandemic. Our reflections help us see where we have been, where we are and where our self practice will take us as we travel the path of the Tao.
As for my struggle writing this reflection, … well, as I let go of worry, all became clear!
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