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Healthier and Stronger

The benefits of self practice are multiple. The importance of taking care of myself to help others has struck me at a deeper level; that I have a responsibility to take care of myself and not take being healthy for granted.

When work or family life demanded more of me, I could feel my energy being depleted at times. Not just physical energy so much as mental energy. Through self practice I can restore and maintain a sense of fullness and strength.

Years ago I thought daily practice meant doing donyu every day. Over time I began to realize it is so much more than the physical movements.

Through regular practice, chanting to heal the world has taken on a new meaning. At first it was simply having the intention to chant for those who were suffering. As time has passed, chanting has become an integral part of helping me to be stronger in order to help others.

It is becoming more clear how everything is the same in everything we do. Applying the same approach to tasks, administration, situations in family life or at work or to physical practice is all the same.

Being healthier and stronger, I am better equipped to help others in all areas of my life.

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