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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

Ching Ming Festival

Ching Ming Festival

The Ching Ming Festival provides an opportunity to honour our family members who came before us. By paying respect to our ancestors, we bring peace and prosperity to future generations. Le Festival Ching Ming est pour la famille une occasion d’honorer ceux qui sont passés avant nous. En rendant hommage à nos ancêtres, nous apportons […]
Goon Yam Festival – Chanting for the World

Goon Yam Festival – Chanting for the World

Today one thousand practitioners from many cultures and walks of life chanted virtually to honour and be inspired by Goon Yam (Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. In celebrating the festival, our intention is to cultivate peace and relieve suffering throughout the world.    Aujourd’hui, mille pratiquants issus de cultures et d’horizons divers, ont chanté en ligne […]
Lord Lao Festival

Lord Lao Festival

Today people of all ages from around the world gathered virtually to celebrate the Festival of Lord Lao (Laozi, Lao-Tzu). In coming together to chant for the world and give thanks for the teachings of Taoism, we all benefited from the opportunity it offers to transform ourselves to become better people. Aujourd’hui, des gens de […]
Heart and Stroke Month – Faster and Further

Heart and Stroke Month – Faster and Further

I had a 97% blocked aortic valve. Taoist Tai Chi® arts helped me prepare for the heart surgery so I would have the best outcome. After the surgery I walked further, quicker and was out of the hospital faster than many people much younger than me! Through the physical benefits of Taoist Tai ChiⓇ practice […]
Jade Emperor Festival

Jade Emperor Festival

 Participants from 26 countries gathered virtually today to honour the Jade Emperor. The ruler of heaven, the Jade Emperor represents virtue and just leadership.
World Interfaith Harmony Week

World Interfaith Harmony Week

Taoism has a tradition of openness to wisdom from diverse sources and teaches that compassion and selflessness are part of our original nature. Taoist training cultivates the spark of goodness within and fosters the cultivation of ever deeper levels of connection and compassion. This process is fundamental to our health and to the restoration of […]
Happy Year of the Tiger

Happy Year of the Tiger

新年快樂  身體健康! Happy New Year from Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism! L’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok vous souhaite ses meilleurs vœux pour la nouvelle année!  
Happy New Year / Une Bonne Année

Happy New Year / Une Bonne Année

Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism wishes everyone a Happy New Year! May 2022 bring peace and harmony to the world. L’ Institute de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok souhaite à tous une bonne année! Que l’année 2022 apporte la paix et l’harmonie au monde.  
Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

Wishing peace, love and joy to all, and across the world.Season’s greetings from Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism.    Paix, amour et joie à chacun, partout dans le monde. L’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok vous souhaite ses meilleurs vœux.  
International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On this International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism™ recognizes the contributions of its participants living with disabilities, participants who are integral to the fabric of our community. We invite persons of all abilities to explore the potential for growth available to everyone through practice of the Taoist arts. 
Festival of the Lord of the Third Season

Festival of the Lord of the Third Season

Today, participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism gathered to chant the Three Seasons Scripture to commemorate the Festival of the Lord of the Third Season. Chanting offers a way to seek protection and relief from water disasters.  Aujourd’hui, des participants de l’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok se sont rassemblés pour chanter le […]
Goon Yam Festival

Goon Yam Festival

Today participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism around the world chanted to pay respect to Goon Yam (Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. Goon Yam inspires the cultivation of compassion. Celebrating her through chanting, our intention is to bring more peace and harmony to the world.   Aujourd’hui, des participants de l’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok de […]
Double Ninth Festival

Double Ninth Festival

On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism chanted the Scripture of Filial Piety to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival. Chanting expresses our intention to pay our respects to our elders and to our ancestors, and our wish for everlasting harmony.    Le neuvième jour du […]
A practice for life

A practice for life

All generations benefit from the age-friendly activities of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. Seniors make key contributions to our community finding renewal, joy, growth & connection. Engaging in Taoist Tai Chi® arts leads to a feeling of internal stillness balanced with an outward expansion. Irrespective of one’s age, there is a progressively deeper connection to […]
Wong Dai Sin Festival

Wong Dai Sin Festival

  Participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism around the world chanted together on September 29 to celebrate the festival of Wong Dai Sin. He was a simple shepherd who displayed great virtue and is said to have cultivated immortality by practising the Taoist Arts. His story tells us that with a good heart […]
World Heart Day

World Heart Day

I had a 97% blocked aortic artery. My Taoist Tai ChiⓇ practice helped me mentally, to find the calmness to prepare for the surgery. The physical practice kept me moving well so I’d have the best outcome. Then after the surgery I was out of the hospital faster than many people much younger than me! […]
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