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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

Internal Universe, External Universe

Internal Universe, External Universe

As I continue my regular attendance at our Saturday sessions, I have been encouraged to concentrate on my daily Taoist Tai Chi® practice. There is a feeling inside of a natural order being restored.  As tension eases in my muscles I feel that my body wants to become properly aligned. My focus and energy improve. […]
Reflections On Chanting

Reflections On Chanting

Chaque semaine, j’attends le samedi matin avec impatience afin de participer aux sessions de chanting. C’est très inspirant de me sentir connectée avec le monde et, tandis que je chante, je me sens aussi connectée avec moi-même. Le chanting, et les conversations qui suivent, m’ont libéré l’esprit et m’ont donné la confiance dont j’avais besoin, […]
Reflections on Chanting

Reflections on Chanting

Chanting has been an important part of my Taoist Tai Chi® practice and so I was glad to join the Saturday sessions as we chant for the world. At first, I was very much aware of hearing my own voice superimposed over the voices of the leaders and this seemed a distraction to me, but […]
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